Levande Hav Levande Hav

We make the revival of water bodies

By binding phosphorus into the sediment

What is the condition of the Baltic Sea ?

The Baltic Sea is one of the world's most polluted inland seas, with eutrophication, over fishing, spreading of dead seabeds, and toxic summer blooms of cyanobacteria, that prevent us from enjoying it.

What can we do?

The method is based on a product, called "Activated limestone", that has been developed at Stockholm University and can be used to bind the nutrient phosphorus into sediments.

What is the goal?

Our method provides a less eutrophic Baltic Sea, it re-oxygenates dead sea bottoms, reduces algal blooms and improves habitat for fish and aquatic organisms.

In addition, both the fishing and tourism industries will benefit from a healthy Baltic Sea.

Levande Hav AB

Levande Hav is a spin-off company from Stockholm University. It was started in order to demonstrate that the method is successful in real environments.

The research behind it has been funded by Baltic Sea 2020 and the EU (Seabased, Central, Baltic, INTERREG V).

For more information, contact us via email.