Levande Hav Levande Hav


We want to solve the Baltic Sea's problems by spreading our new innovative material to the dead sea bottoms of the Baltic Sea, where it will bind phosphorus into sediments and reduce eutrophication.

Side product

The material is developed from a cheap by-product from the lime quarries


After the pre-treatment, the efficiency increases approx. 500 times


The material is easy to spread over large surfaces. It is scattered at the surface, after which it sinks to the sediment and it reacts there.

Easy to use

The product is suitable for many different seas and lakes thanks to the fact that it can be adapted to different water depths.

Binds the nutrient

Once down at the bottom, the product binds up phosphorus into the sediment.

The Result

When phosphorus is removed, the cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms diminish, and aquatic organisms return to the dead bottoms.

Why is this innovation needed?

Healthy seas are an important piece of the puzzle for our nature and thus also for us humans.

With a living Baltic Sea

  • Reduces the bloom of cyanobacteria, i.e. the toxic summer algae blooms

  • Aquatic organisms return to the re-oxygenated dead bottoms

  • The fishing industry and sport fishing benefit, as the fish return

  • The tourist industry benefits, as the toxic summer blooms disappear

  • The lime industry benefits, as they get rid of a by-product

Levande Hav AB

Levande Hav is a spin-off company from Stockholm University. It was started in order to show that the method can be used in real environments.


The research behind it has been funded by Baltic Sea 2020 and the EU (Seabased, Central, Baltic, INTERREG V).